People Search

A people search is a process of finding and retrieving information about a specific individual or group of individuals. This can include personal information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, and social media profiles, as well as professional information such as employment history and educational background.

A.K.A - Person Search, name search, public records search, people finder, person trace, and people lookup

PeopleFinders has been a leader in the data search industry since 1998, providing millions of customers quick, easy, and affordable access to top quality person/people searches. Our comprehensive search reports include all associated public data, both current and historical, on any adult, anywhere in the United States. Whatever you are looking for - a person's full name, a current phone number, an address from ten years ago, a criminal record from anytime...PeopleFinders will find it. Our multi-functional search platform allows customers to perform searches by name, phone number, email, ad-dress, or username. We are proud to support our customers in their goals of superior online safety and improved human connection in today's complex and highly digitized world

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Screenshot of an Online People Search

Screenshot of an Online People Search

Person Searching on Phone

Person Searching on Phone


"People search is the act of locating a person's personal or professional information by searching various sources such as public records, social media, and online directories." (Source:

"A people search is a process of finding and retrieving information about a specific individual, including their personal and professional details, as well as their contact information." (Source: